How to Fix a Bosch Refrigerator Ice Maker That’s Not Working

Last Updated on June 20, 2023 by Kimberly Crawford

A Bosch refrigerator ice maker not working is a common issue faced by many homeowners. A properly functioning ice maker is essential for providing a steady supply of ice for various purposes, such as keeping beverages cold and preserving perishable food items.

When the ice maker stops working, it can be frustrating, especially during hot summer days when you need ice the most.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to troubleshooting and fixing this issue, ensuring that your Bosch refrigerator’s ice maker is back up and running efficiently.

In this article

Common Causes of Ice Maker Problems

bosch refrigerator ice maker

1. Frozen water line

A frozen water line is one of the most common causes of ice maker problems in Bosch refrigerators.

When the water line freezes, it obstructs the flow of water to the ice maker, preventing it from producing ice.

This issue can be caused by various factors, such as low freezer temperatures, poor insulation, or a malfunctioning water valve.

Identifying and addressing a frozen water line is crucial for restoring your ice maker’s functionality.

2. Faulty water inlet valve

A faulty water inlet valve can also cause problems with your Bosch refrigerator’s ice maker.

The water inlet valve is responsible for supplying water to the ice maker, and when it malfunctions or fails, the ice maker cannot produce ice.

Common issues with water inlet valves include leaks, damage, or electrical failure.

If you suspect a faulty water inlet valve, it’s essential to inspect, test, and replace it if necessary to restore your ice maker’s functionality.

3. Damaged ice maker assembly

A damaged ice maker assembly is another common cause of ice maker problems in Bosch refrigerators.

The ice maker assembly consists of various components, such as the motor, gears, and switches, that work together to produce ice.

If any of these parts become damaged or worn out, the ice maker may stop working or function inefficiently.

To resolve this issue, you must inspect the ice maker assembly for any visible damage or broken parts and replace the entire assembly if necessary.

This will help ensure that your ice maker resumes its normal operation and continues to provide a steady supply of ice.

4. Blocked ice maker mold

A blocked ice maker mold can also lead to problems with your Bosch refrigerator’s ice maker.

The mold is where the water freezes into ice cubes, and any blockage or buildup of ice and debris can prevent the ice maker from functioning properly.

This issue may occur due to infrequent cleaning or when the ice maker gets stuck in the middle of a cycle.

To fix a blocked ice maker mold, remove any ice or debris present in the mold using a plastic utensil or cloth.

Additionally, clean the mold with warm water and a mild detergent to ensure that there is no residue left behind.

Once the mold is clean and clear, your ice maker should resume normal operation and produce ice as intended.

5. Incorrect temperature settings

Incorrect temperature settings in your Bosch refrigerator can also lead to ice maker problems. For the ice maker to function properly, it requires specific temperature conditions within the freezer and refrigerator compartments.

If the temperature settings are not within the ideal range, the ice maker may struggle to produce ice or operate inefficiently.

To ensure optimal ice maker performance, make sure the freezer temperature is set between 0°F and 5°F (-18°C and -15°C), while the refrigerator temperature should be between 35°F and 40°F (1.6°C and 4.4°C).

Adjusting the temperature settings accordingly will help create the right environment for your ice maker to function efficiently and produce a steady supply of ice.

Troubleshooting and Fixing the Issue

1. Check the Water Line

Checking the water line is an important step in troubleshooting Bosch refrigerator ice maker problems.

A kinked or damaged water line can restrict water flow to the ice maker, preventing it from producing ice.

Inspect the water line for kinks or damage

Carefully examine the water line that runs from the wall to the back of your refrigerator. Look for any kinks, bends, or signs of damage that could be obstructing the water flow.

If you find any issues, straighten out the kinks or replace the damaged water line to restore proper water flow to the ice maker.

Thaw a frozen water line with a hairdryer or warm cloth

If you suspect that the water line is frozen, you can use a hairdryer or warm cloth to thaw it out.

Be sure to unplug the refrigerator before attempting this process to ensure safety. With the hairdryer, set it on low heat and gently direct the warm air towards the frozen section of the water line.

Alternatively, you can wrap a warm cloth around the frozen area to gradually thaw it out. Once the water line is no longer frozen, the ice maker should resume normal operation. Remember to plug the refrigerator back in after completing this process.

2. Test the Water Inlet Valve

Testing the water inlet valve is an essential step in diagnosing issues with your Bosch refrigerator’s ice maker.

The water inlet valve is responsible for supplying water to the ice maker, and a faulty valve can prevent it from producing ice.

Locate the water inlet valve

The water inlet valve is usually located at the back of the refrigerator, near the bottom. You may need to move the refrigerator away from the wall and remove the lower back panel to access the valve.

Check for any visible damage or leaks

Visually inspect the water inlet valve for signs of damage, such as cracks, corrosion, or leaks. If you notice any issues, you should replace the valve to ensure proper water flow to the ice maker.

Test the valve with a multimeter for continuity

To test the water inlet valve for electrical continuity, you’ll need a multimeter. Before starting, make sure to unplug the refrigerator for safety reasons.

Disconnect the wiring harness from the valve, and set your multimeter to the lowest setting for measuring resistance (ohms).

Place the multimeter probes on the valve’s terminals and check the reading. A reading between 200 and 500 ohms indicates that the valve is functioning correctly.

If the reading is outside this range or there is no continuity, the valve is likely faulty and should be replaced.

After testing and addressing any issues with the water inlet valve, your Bosch refrigerator’s ice maker should be able to resume normal operation. Remember to plug the refrigerator back in after completing this process.

3. Inspect the Ice Maker Assembly

Inspecting the ice maker assembly is crucial for identifying and resolving issues with your Bosch refrigerator’s ice maker. The ice maker assembly contains various components that work together to produce ice, and any damaged parts can affect its functionality.

Unplug the refrigerator and remove the ice maker assembly

Before starting, unplug the refrigerator for safety reasons. To remove the ice maker assembly, you may need to remove the ice bin, shelves, or any other components that obstruct access to the ice maker.

Depending on your specific model, you might need to unscrew or unclip the ice maker assembly from the refrigerator’s interior. Carefully disconnect any wiring harnesses connected to the ice maker before completely removing the assembly.

Check for any broken or damaged parts

Inspect the ice maker assembly thoroughly for any visible signs of damage or wear, such as broken gears, bent levers, or cracked components.

Make sure the electrical connections are secure and free of corrosion.

Replace the entire assembly if necessary

If you find any broken or damaged parts within the ice maker assembly, it’s often best to replace the entire assembly rather than attempting individual repairs.

This ensures that all components are in good working order and can help prevent future issues.

Reinstall the new ice maker assembly by following the removal steps in reverse order, making sure to reconnect any wiring harnesses and secure the assembly in place.

Once you’ve completed these steps, plug the refrigerator back in and allow some time for the ice maker to start producing ice. This process should resolve any issues caused by a faulty ice maker assembly.

4. Clear the Ice Maker Mold

Clearing the ice maker mold is vital for maintaining the efficiency of your Bosch refrigerator’s ice maker. A buildup of ice or debris in the mold can prevent the ice maker from functioning properly.

Remove any ice or debris from the mold

To clear the ice maker mold, first ensure the refrigerator is turned off or unplugged for safety reasons.

Using a plastic utensil or soft cloth, gently remove any ice or debris present in the mold. Be careful not to use sharp objects or excessive force, as this can damage the mold.

Clean the mold with warm water and mild detergent

After removing the ice and debris, clean the mold using a mixture of warm water and a mild detergent.

Use a soft cloth or sponge to gently scrub the mold, ensuring that all residue and grime are removed. Rinse the mold thoroughly with warm water to remove any remaining detergent.

Once the ice maker mold is clean and clear, turn the refrigerator back on or plug it in, and allow some time for the ice maker to resume normal operation.

Regularly clearing and cleaning the ice maker mold can help prevent future issues and ensure a consistent supply of ice.

5. Adjust Temperature Settings

Adjusting the temperature settings in your Bosch refrigerator is crucial for maintaining optimal ice maker performance. Proper temperature conditions within the freezer and refrigerator compartments are necessary for the ice maker to function efficiently.

Ensure the freezer temperature is set between 0°F and 5°F (-18°C and -15°C)

To provide the ideal environment for ice production, adjust the freezer temperature within this range.

Check your refrigerator’s user manual for instructions on how to change the temperature settings, as the process may vary depending on your specific model.

Check the refrigerator temperature, which should be between 35°F and 40°F (1.6°C and 4.4°C)

Maintaining the proper temperature in the refrigerator compartment is also essential for overall appliance performance. Adjust the refrigerator temperature within this range to ensure optimal conditions for food preservation and ice making.

By setting the correct temperature in both compartments, you can help create the right environment for your ice maker to function efficiently, producing a steady supply of ice and keeping your food fresh.

Preventative Measures

Taking preventative measures can help ensure the longevity and efficiency of your Bosch refrigerator’s ice maker. By following these simple steps, you can prevent common issues and maintain optimal performance.

Regularly clean the ice maker and mold

Regular cleaning of the ice maker and mold helps prevent the buildup of ice or debris that could affect its functionality.

Use a mild detergent and warm water to gently clean the mold, and make sure to remove any ice or debris from the mold during the process.

Keep the refrigerator coils clean

Dust and dirt can accumulate on the refrigerator coils over time, reducing their efficiency and causing the appliance to work harder.

Clean the coils every six months using a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment or a coil cleaning brush. This will help maintain the refrigerator’s efficiency and prolong its lifespan.

Maintain proper temperature settings

Ensure the freezer temperature is set between 0°F and 5°F (-18°C and -15°C), while the refrigerator temperature should be between 35°F and 40°F (1.6°C and 4.4°C).

Maintaining these temperature settings creates the ideal environment for the ice maker to function efficiently and keeps your food fresh.

Inspect water lines and valves periodically

Periodically check the water lines and water inlet valve for any signs of damage, kinks, or leaks.

If you find any issues, straighten out the kinks, replace the damaged water line, or replace the faulty water inlet valve to restore proper water flow to the ice maker.

When to Call a Professional

Knowing when to call a professional for your Bosch refrigerator’s ice maker issues is crucial for ensuring the appliance’s proper functioning and longevity. Here are some situations in which you should consider contacting a professional:

Persistent problems after attempting fixes

If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps and preventative measures mentioned above, but your ice maker is still not working correctly or continues to experience issues, it’s time to call a professional.

They have the expertise and tools to diagnose and fix more complex problems that might be beyond the scope of DIY repairs.

Complicated repairs beyond DIY capabilities

Some ice maker issues may require advanced technical knowledge or specialized tools to resolve.

If you’re not confident in your ability to perform these repairs or lack the necessary tools, it’s best to call a professional to ensure the problem is fixed correctly and safely.

Warranty considerations

If your Bosch refrigerator is still under warranty, attempting DIY repairs may void the warranty. In this case, it’s essential to contact a professional or an authorized service center to handle any necessary repairs.

This way, you can maintain your warranty coverage and ensure that any repairs are performed according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.



In conclusion, maintaining a fully functional ice maker is essential for the efficiency and convenience provided by your Bosch refrigerator. To troubleshoot and resolve common ice maker issues, follow these steps and solutions:

  1. Test the water inlet valve for continuity and check for any visible damage or leaks.
  2. Inspect the ice maker assembly for broken or damaged parts, and replace the entire assembly if necessary.
  3. Clear the ice maker mold by removing any ice or debris and cleaning it with warm water and mild detergent.
  4. Adjust the temperature settings to ensure the freezer is between 0°F and 5°F (-18°C and -15°C) and the refrigerator is between 35°F and 40°F (1.6°C and 4.4°C).
  5. Take preventative measures such as regularly cleaning the ice maker and mold, keeping the refrigerator coils clean, maintaining proper temperature settings, and inspecting water lines and valves periodically.

If you’ve tried these steps but still face persistent problems or need complicated repairs beyond your capabilities, don’t hesitate to call a professional, especially if your refrigerator is still under warranty.

By following these troubleshooting steps and solutions, you can ensure that your ice maker functions efficiently, providing a consistent supply of ice and contributing to the overall performance of your Bosch refrigerator.


Why is my Bosch refrigerator ice maker not producing ice?

There could be several reasons, such as a malfunctioning water inlet valve, a blocked or kinked water line, improper temperature settings in the freezer, or a damaged ice maker assembly. It’s essential to troubleshoot each potential issue to identify and resolve the problem.

How do I reset my Bosch refrigerator ice maker?

Check your refrigerator’s user manual for specific instructions on resetting the ice maker, as the process may vary depending on your model. Generally, you can reset it by turning off the ice maker, waiting a few minutes, and then turning it back on.

Can I fix my Bosch refrigerator ice maker myself, or should I call a professional?

In many cases, you can troubleshoot and fix common ice maker issues yourself by following the steps mentioned above. However, if you’ve tried these solutions without success, or if you’re facing a complicated repair beyond your capabilities, it’s best to call a professional.

How often should I clean my Bosch refrigerator ice maker mold?

Regular cleaning is essential for maintaining a functional and hygienic ice maker. Clean the ice maker mold every three to six months with a mild detergent and warm water to prevent buildup of ice or debris that could affect its functionality.

How can I maintain the optimal temperature settings for my Bosch refrigerator ice maker?

Ensure the freezer temperature is set between 0°F and 5°F (-18°C and -15°C) and the refrigerator temperature is between 35°F and 40°F (1.6°C and 4.4°C). Maintaining these temperature settings creates the ideal environment for the ice maker to function efficiently and keeps your food fresh.

What if my Bosch refrigerator is under warranty and the ice maker is not working?

If your refrigerator is still under warranty, do not attempt DIY repairs, as this may void the warranty. Instead, contact an authorized service center or professional to handle any necessary repairs according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.


  1. Bosch Official Website: The official Bosch website ( is an excellent starting point for finding information about Bosch refrigerators, troubleshooting guides, user manuals, and customer support.
  2. Appliance Repair Forums: A website like ApplianceBlog ( is a popular platform where users discuss appliance issues, share experiences, and offer solutions. You can search these forums for discussions related to Bosch refrigerator ice maker problems.