Last Updated on November 28, 2020 by Kimberly Crawford
The basic principles of Feng Shui indicate that it is essential to understand the importance of room settings, placement of objects and color for your living spaces.
Are you the one who values inner perceptions and subtle feelings while decorating your home interiors? If you do, your thoughts for your home are at par with the age-old oriental philosophy of Feng Shui.
Feng Shui philosophy has always believed in the subtle spiritual and emotional nuances of an individual and also of his living space. Today, armed with this belief, you can in time develop a highly personalized design for your home as a true expression of your own, unique personality.
Feng Shui is a philosophy and an art of enhancing the attributes of your living space evolving over thousands of years. For ages, Feng Shui as a discipline has emphasized on maximizing the flow of positive energy (‘chi’) in your living space, which can be done in quite a number of ways.
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Room Settings and Placement of Objects

According to the philosophy of Feng Shui, our homes should be thought of as a metaphor for our lives. Believing that a cluttered house is the reflection of a cluttered mind, this Chinese art emphasizes on correct placement not only as an integral part of our home design, but as a significant step towards enhancing the mental and spiritual quality of our lives.
Correct placement in Feng Shui signifies the arrangement of our furnishings and decor in a way that aligns with nature. With correct placement added to your interiors, the practice of Feng Shui ensures uninhibited harmony, peace and health into your lives.
The philosophy of Feng Shui is based on the explanation of five essential elements—Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. The objective of Feng Shui is to ensure there is proper placement of these elements in our homes and properties.
For example, the Metal element stands for the health of children, their well-being and family life, while the Earth element represents the color gold, the marriage corner, and family happiness.
The Water element on the other hand, rules the career and one’s ability to make money; and the Fire element represents one’s ability to gain fame and prosperity in life. Finally, the Wood element stands for the overall quality of our lives, including our health.
An important part of ensuring good Feng Shui for our homes is striking an optimum balance between these five elements within any physical surrounding.
The Role of Color to Enhance Your Mental Balance

What do you feel when you walk into a room for the first time? Don’t you notice the colors, objects, and their placement inside the room that evoke particular sensations in you?
If attentive enough, you would surely get steady vibes telling you if a particular room is soothing, invigorating, or if there is something negative to it. It is very natural for you to get sensitive to the psychological influences that color, placement and design have on your own mind.
It is especially true about colors, which have immensely strong and distinguishing effects on your minds. Different shades of the same color, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, have radically different results on the behavior and mental make-up of individuals.
While it is said that dark colors can either be relaxing or depressing, light colors can be uplifting or annoying. On the other hand, some extreme colors can be particularly exhilarating or aggravating.
According to the Feng Shui philosophy, colors and shades of a living space have the ability to affect the nature of interactions between people present in a particular space. For instance, if there is a particular room where people tend to get into arguments, Feng Shui practitioners will suggest reassessing the colors in that room.
Paying attention to these minute details, you will eventually understand the subtle influence colors, room settings and placement have on your mental balance, health and wellness. Feng Shui exponents have ensured the success of this age-old art while incorporating these basic principles of color, placement and room settings in living spaces.
Endowed with ‘Good Feng Shui’, individuals have been seen to significantly enhance the spiritual quality of their lives with a harmonious flow of nourishment and energy. This enhancement of energy and spirituality forms the essence of Feng Shui, which you can bring to your life by using the precepts of Feng Shui for constructing a lively, beautiful home.