Kimberly Crawford

Executive Editor, Landscape Architecture

4096 POSTS
Kimberly Crawford is the founder of, a website dedicated to promoting sustainable agriculture, healthy eating, and environmentally-conscious living. With over 15 years of experience working on organic farms and developing farm-to-table initiatives, Kimberly is an expert in local food systems, regenerative agriculture, and agroecology.


Kimberly Crawford graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a B.S. in Landscape Architecture, focusing her studies on edible and ecological landscape design. During her time at UC Berkeley, she contributed research on urban agriculture to Professor John Smith's book on city farming. Kimberly went on to earn an M.S. in Agroecology from the University of California, Santa Cruz, where her thesis research explored integrated crop-livestock systems.


With over 15 years of experience working on organic farms and developing farm-to-table initiatives, Kimberly is an expert in local food systems, regenerative agriculture, and agroecology. As both a landscape architect and agroecologist, she brings a holistic perspective to her work promoting context-specific, ecologically-sound food production systems.


In addition to running her website, a site dedicated to promoting sustainable agriculture, healthy eating, and environmentally-conscious living, Kimberly is the author of several books on seasonal eating and cooking. Her writing has also been published in Edible Communities, Modern Farmer, and Permaculture magazines. When she's not writing or working on the website, you'll find Kimberly getting her hands dirty on one of the educational farms she collaborates with, consulting on regional food policy issues, or teaching workshops on topics like seasonal eating and homesteading skills.


Environmentally-Friendly Valentine’s Day Gifts

Recycle items around the house to make Valentine's Day presents and gift wrap items. Making romantic gifts has never been so much fun and inexpensive. Repurposing...

Names of 15 Common Houseplants With Pictures

House plants are varied and very broad. Most can be categorized as flowering and non flowering. While we commonly assume house plants are few in numbers,...

Ideas for Kids’ Craft Projects – Valentine’s Day

Get ideas for kids' craft projects for Valentine's Day, including homemade valentines cards. Also find out where to get free printable coloring pages for Valentine's...

98+ Creative and Cheap Garden Edging Ideas and Designs (2025)

Garden edging offers many functions to your garden and to the entire aesthetic of your lawn, yards and the whole of the home, truth be...

Family Friendly Valentine’s Day Ideas: Easy Ways to Celebrate Love with Your Children

Celebrate Valentine's Day with your family by sharing time making crafts or cookies, going on a family outing or surprising loved ones with an unexpected...

How to Stop Flowers Wilting and Keep Them Fresh

Flowers don't last forever once they're cut - but it's possible to make them last longer and look fresher with a few simple tips Receiving flowers...

Home Decorating Ideas With Flowers

Choose pillows, table settings or wallpaper with floral prints as a way to decorate for spring. Decorating inspiration comes from many different places. One easy source...

Spring Decorating Ideas: Get Your Home Ready for Warm Weather

As the dreary days of winter fade away, decorating for spring is one of the easiest ways to welcome the season. When spring arrives in March,...

Lawn Tractor Attachments Improve Garden Work

Lawn and garden tractor attachments add utility to a machine that is already very functional, but think about needs and capabilities before purchasing. Add utility to...

Garden Fertilizers Broken Down: What Does “N P K” have to do with Gardening?

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the major ingredients in garden fertilizers. Many elements including nutrients are present in soil and needed for plant growth. What does...

The Effects of Too Much Rain on the Garden

Gardeners need to be aware of the negative effects of above-average rainfall on plants, and how they can prevent and treat damage to the garden. Most...

Build Your Own Rain Garden

Sometimes runoff water from impervious surfaces will concentrate and cause erosion problems. Rain gardens harvest this water, filter pollutants, and prevent erosion. Properly designed, rain gardens...

Two Pruning Mistakes Commonly Practiced with Ornamental Trees

Pruning mistakes may result in misshapen and weak ornamental trees. Shearing and topping are two of the most widespread and injurious pruning methods. Shearing and topping...

Low-Maintenance Shrubs for Foundation Plantings

Low-maintenance small evergreen shrubs are first-rate selections for DIY landscape foundation plantings. They enrich the looks of shady front yard landscapes. Plant breeders continue to introduce...

Create a Rain Garden, Utilize Rain Run-off from Roofs, Driveways

Rain gardens use run-off from roofs, driveways, other impervious surfaces. Rainwater is used by native plants rather than running to the storm sewer or ditch. A...

What is a Rain Garden? How Does it Work?

Low impact development (LID) includes means to reduce the effects of increased stormwater runoff due to urbanization. Rain gardens are an important tool for this. The...

What are the Benefits of Rain Barrels?

Rain barrels are a great way for homeowners and gardeners to benefit both the environment and their wallets. Using a ran barrel is simple. Rain barrels...

No-Cost or Low-Cost Valentine’s Day Centerpieces

Easy-to-make table decorations for Valentine's Day can be created by using items from around the house or by purchasing a few low-cost supplies. Simple Valentine's Day...

Choosing the Right Bathroom Faucet Valve and Finish for the Job

The bathroom faucet is an integral part of any bathroom design. Choosing the right size, faucet valve and finish can ensure the faucet's long life. Not...

Valentine’s Day Love Poems

Express love on Valentine's Day with passion and sincerity. Here's a list of classic love poems, poems for lovers, and poems for married couples. Looking for...

Romantic Gifts & Flowers on Big or Tight Budgets For Him or Her

Even when faced with a tight budget, romance needn't be ignored. Using flowers to deliver the perfect message of how much that wonderful holiday meant...

Garden Design for Winter: Design a Garden for Year Round Enjoyment

Although most gardeners are ready for a break as winter approaches, the garden does not have to be lackluster during the winter months. Simple ideas...

Urban Gardening the Raised Bed Method

The raised bed gardening method is an intensive way to garden in the city with more work required at the start resulting in a higher...

Planting Mosses in Your Garden

Attractive options are available even in gardens in shady conditions. Mosses are easy to grow and are low maintenance. Proper preparation will ensure planting success. Gardeners...

Orchid Plant Care Guide

This is your one-stop online orchid guide, with brief descriptions and links to a series of farmfoodfamily articles on the basics of orchid cultivation. This collection...

Orchid Plant Care: How Much Sunlight Does an Orchid Need?

The amount of light an orchid needs depends on the type of plant, but here are general guidelines that will help optimize the health of...

Modern Vintage Bathroom Decor Ideas

The key to styling a bathroom with modern vintage design is to choose three major pieces in classic shapes. Accessories complete the modern vintage look. Designing...

Christmas Gift Ideas – Presents for the Whole Family (Friends, Dad, Mom, and Students)

Finding the perfect Christmas present for family and friends can be a challenge. However, picking out just the right gift is simple with a few...

How to Get Your Houseplants Ready for Spring

With Spring here and Summer just around the corner it's time to get your houseplants ready for a new growing season. Here's a quick guide...

Common Poisonous Plants Affecting Dogs and Cats

Lilies, castor beans, cycad palms, rhododendrons, azaleas, laurels, yews, crocuses, foxgloves and oleanders are among the most common poisonous plants for cats and dogs. Many of...

Christmas Trees with a Doggy Theme

When Christmas season rolls around, a Christmas tree decorated with doggy ornaments may be found in the dog lover's home. Dog lovers are known to get...

Top 10 Fun, Easy & Creative Ways to Use Clip Art for Christmas

There are many sites offering free or inexpensive Christmas clip art designs. What are the best ways to use these popular and festive images? Top 10...

Plant Herbs to Control Vegetable Garden Pests

Keep an organic vegetable garden using herbs as companion plants. They attract beneficial insects that repel pests from hybridized bedding plants, and supply the kitchen. Herbs...

Container Gardens for Kids: Weekend Gardening Project for Children

There is room in almost every home for a garden planted in containers - planters, window boxes, or flower pots! Children will be thrilled to...

Garden Design: The Five Elements of Great Garden Design

Flagstone paths or gravel ones, stone containers or terra cotta pots - learn how to choose the right design elements for your garden style. Whether it's...

Kitchen Waste Compost: Steps to Soil Enrichment and Plant Vigor

Gardeners can make high-grade natural compost with ordinary kitchen waste, resulting in a rich soil amendment and lightening the load at landfill sites. Keeping a compost...

How to Spot and Treat Fungal Diseases

Despite a houseplant lover's best efforts, diseases can still strike. Fungal diseases are among the most common. Here's a quick guide to help spot and...

27+ Valentine’s Day Decorating Ideas For Your Lovers

Find Valentine's Day decorating tips that will bring love to your home and fire up your romantic side. Creating a romantic environment for Valentine’s Day is...

How to Rescue an Overwatered Plant

Overwatering is the most common cause of plant death. Luckily not only is it preventable, in many cases an overwatered plant can be saved. Keep...

Houseplant Buying Guide: Tips to Buy Smart and Save Money

Houseplants are available in grocery stores, dollar stores, hardware stores, big box stores, garden centers, and even on the internet! Here's a guide to buying...

Managing Plant Pests and Diseases Without Chemicals In Greenhouse

Apply organic gardening methods in the greenhouse to control pests, and enjoy fresh flowers, herbs, and vegetables all year. If the atmosphere in a well-managed greenhouse...

Unique Christmas Gifts – Original Art and Glass

Chain stores target consumers relentlessly at Christmas but retail is not the only gift-buying option. For distinctive gifts, find the gallery, artist or crafts person. Unique...

Get Rid of Squirrels in the Garden

Squirrels are tenacious rodent pests, and it's reasonable for gardeners to expect control rather than eradication from their efforts. It’s one thing to battle with a...

Starting an Early Spring Garden

Greenhouses are great, but if your budget doesn't permit that just yet, try a hoop house. You can start your spring garden and begin your...

How to Grow and Care for Asparagus

A welcome delicacy from the spring garden, hardy perennial asparagus grows easily from seed. How To Grow Asparagus Native to the Mediterranean and eaten by the ancient...

Grow Giant Vegetables Organically

If you've ever admired a pumpkin that looked like Cinderella's coach or a giant tomato that resembled a softball, learn how you can grow giant...

Grow Organic Celery in the Home Vegetable Garden

Organic gardeners who think celery is difficult to grow in the natural vegetable garden can grow healthy plants by following a few rules. When choosing seeds...

Quick and Easy Pinecone Ornaments

There are easy to make Christmas tree ornaments that even young children can create. Pinecone ornaments are the perfect holiday kids' craft. Christmas is a wonderful...

Christmas gifts: Personalized Christmas Gifts from Recycled Tins

Keep Christmas sustainable by revamping old containers. Cover tins with recycled papers and fill with organic or handcrafted items to create personalized Xmas presents. Most households...

Make Your Own Jar Filled with the Spirit of Christmas: 23 Christmas Mason Jar Ideas

Many people wish that the Christmas Spirit could last all year. This simple craft is a great way to give a handmade or handcrafted gift...